Tell Your Senators to Protect Child Checks!
Families will start getting monthly ‘Child Checks’ of up to $300 for each kid starting **July 15** as part of the expanded Child Tax Credit! Unfortunately, Republicans are now pushing a proposal that – if it passed – would take away this money already promised to kids.
We need parents EVERYWHERE to make their voices heard to protect our Child Checks. Make a quick call and ask your Senator to speak out NOW in support of the expanded Child Tax Credit!
The number to call is 202-224-3121.
How to call your senator:
Even if you’ve never made a call like this before, don’t worry – it’s easy!
- Call 202-224-3121. That’s the Capitol Switchboard.
- Dial 1, say your state or enter your zipcode, then select one of your two senators (afterwards, call back and do the other!)
What to say:
When someone answers, or if you get voicemail, say your name and where you live, and then something like:
“I’m calling to tell the Senator that American families are relying on the expanded Child Tax Credit payments starting in July. I’ve just learned that Republicans released an infrastructure plan that would take these monthly payments away and I’m calling to ask the Senator to strongly oppose this plan. Please ask the Senator to:
- Speak out publicly in support of the Child Tax Credit expansion to ensure parents receive MONTHLY payments starting in July as planned.
- Make the Child Tax Credit expansion permanent so that families continue to get monthly payments after 2022.“
(And make sure to talk about how this affects you personally, if you’d like!)