Join Our Families Virtual Protest for Black Lives
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Families Virtual Protest for Black Lives
[container id=”” class=”” style=””][image alt=”” href=”” title=”” info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”action-image” style=”width:100%;” src=”1641″][/container][text_output]Parents Together Action has heard from tons of parents that they want to do something with their kids to support the protests, but many don’t feel like they can attend in person as a family.
So here’s the plan: a Families Virtual Protest for Black Lives this Saturday at 2 p.m. ET. It’ll be a short, engaging family-friendly protest livestream with music and kids and adults speaking, all in support of the core messages being lifted up by the Movement for Black Lives. Families will join from their living rooms and share it out to their social networks.[/text_output]
RSVP on Facebook
We’ll stream the event live on the ParentsTogether Action Facebook page. Click the button below to RSVP to the official event.[/text_output]