It’s a Beautiful Day to Wear a Cardigan (& Support PBS)!
Mr. Rogers testified to Congress in support of PBS 48 years ago — he saved funding for PBS back then, and we’re fighting to do the same now.
Last week, we piled on to Protect My Public Media’s call to remember that day by wearing a cardigan and posting a selfie with #ItsaBeautifulDay. Here are some of the photos that came in.
First, the Littles
So many cute kids!!
Next, Families-in-Cardigans
And Finally, Some Action Shots
One supporter even sent us a poem!
Mr. Rogers
Such comfort, that same
zippered sweater, slippers
he’ll toss once in the air
before untying his Keds.
From the cupboard, glitter
and crayons in a shoe box.
A project that will look like
what it is, folded paper
and pieces of tape. Restless,
my child slaps his alphabet
blocks on the table,
tears me from that calm,
that paneled room, the one man
who was ready to forgive
before I’d even made my mistakes.
by Ona Gritz from Geode (Main Street Rag, 2014).
To see many more photos, visit our Facebook album.
THANK YOU all for posting and sending in your amazing photos!! Keep spreading the word out about how essential PBS Kids is for all of our families.