Halloween Voting Humor to Survive this Ghoulish Election
Voting’s no joke, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some Halloween election humor with our kids. Check out our top jokes for kids.
And if you can, take your kids to vote with you and share your #FamilyVote selfie (outside the polls) to inspire other parents to vote.

Bonus for teens & grown-ups:
Q. Why did the vampires go to the polls?
A. Because they liked to see people SUFFRAGE
Happy Halloween! We hope you enjoy these jokes AND voting with your kiddos.
Find your voting info:
Text EarlyBird to 30644 to see if you can vote early.
Text FAMILYVOTE to 30644 find your polling info for Nov. 8th.
Or enter your address info here.
Whenever you vote, be sure to share your #FamilyVote selfie from outside the polls.