Defend Family Healthcare: Congress Could Vote Tomorrow to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Defend Family Healthcare: Congress Could Vote Tomorrow to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

House Republicans are aiming to vote on a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Friday, April 28, and it’s a nightmare for parents and pregnant women.

If it passes, insurance companies will no longer have to cover maternity care. Plus, experts estimate that if you’re pregnant and need to get health insurance, it might cost you as much as $17,000 more under this plan!

Insurance companies won’t have to treat people with pre-existing conditions like everyone else. So if, God forbid, your little one gets really sick — you could be denied.

Spread the word about the impact of this new bill on families. A public outcry stopped the last attempt to repeal the ACA and this bill is even worse. Will you share this with folks in your network?

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What Changed in the Health Repeal Plan to Win Over the Freedom Caucus – New York Times 

Republicans’ Changes to Medicaid Could Have Larger Impact Than Their Changes to Obamacare – New York Times 

House Republicans Gut Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions in Latest Proposal – Families USA

Trumpcare 2.0 would make premiums spike for people with pre-existing conditions – ThinkProgress